________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Page
Top To edit the Tabs on the top of the Home Page, click on the gear wheel header at the top left. To edit the main backdrop picture or the wording and their links click on the gear wheel at the top right.
Middle There are four Button Links on the home page: Bulletins, Parish Information, Ministries & Organizations and Parish Monthly Calendar. Right click on the Button Link to edit it. To force a line break in a Button Link name insert an “HTML line break” in edit mode to force it onto another line.or Parish Contacts & Information
Main Bottom Area The bottom area is divided into two columns. The left column is the Announcements; the right column contains a Calendar Module for Upcoming Events.
Announcements The Announcements on the Homepage are in an eCatholic Table inserted in a Text /HTML Core Module.
The table was created using 100% of the width of the core module. The border size was set at zero to mostly eliminate the table cell outlines.
The Table has two columns: The left column is set at 12% of the total Text/HTML module width (about 80 pixels).
Announcements Structure The Announcements are arranged in three categories:
Important announcements: lmass cancellations, hymns list, livestream, etc. come first.
Then Announcements of upcoming events (most of these should also go in the calendar) These are placed under the Title: ▼ UPCOMING EVENTS▼
Then Ongoing Info like notices of the Men's Group, the Knights, Religious Ed, Youth ministry. These are static info type stuff. these are placed under ▼ONGOING NOTICES▼
Add an Announcement:
Add a row in the table by selecting a cell in a row above or below and right click. Select Insert Row Before or After.
Add an image for the Announcement by selecting the left column.
Then select the Image Icon from the Edit Table. (Leave the Alignment at Not Set.
Select Add Picture and OK.
If the image needed is already in the website Files:
From File Source select Site Files.
From Choose a File select Website Pics
Click on the desired image and Save.
In Overwrite File? at the top right click on Overwrite. (IMPORTANT, if Overwrite is not selected a duplicate copy of the image will be created in the Site Files creating a mess in the site Files.)
If the image does not exist in the website files:
From File Source select Upload Image.
Find an image on the internet using free websites:
Use picture editor software to crop and size the image to make it square and size it to about 125x125 pixels (Use MS Paint and/or MS Picture Manager.) The image will size automatically to fit the 80 pixel column width. The 125x125 image can also be used for ministry pages.)
Refer to Guidelines for Clip Art below for more information.
Save the picture and select Upload from the File Source menu and save.
If either the image or the announcement is not aligned correctly in the cell:
Highlight the row (both cells and Right Click).
Select Cell Properties and then set Horizontal to Right and Vertical to Top.
Keep the Announcement wording to a minimum so that it is easy for viewers to scan the home page quickly. The wording should provide information and the images should provide a related visual with a link for more detail information. This helps to keep the announcement brief. The main heading of each announcement is one space away from the image and is set at 20 point, red and bold. Subsequent lines are 3 spaces form the image and are set 18 point and usually start with an event date which is bolded’
Whenever feasible the image at the left is linked to one of the following:
The related ministry webpage.
An outside URL
A PDF flyer if available
A notice in the weekly church bulletin. The notice can be snipped and pasted into a Word doc and printed to a PDF file. (Do not use a Word document for a link as this causes a download.)
eCatholic does not provide for special characters. When needed they must be manually inserted using copy/paste from MS Word. Here are some commn ones that can be copyied ▲ ▼ ◄ ► → ← ↓ ↑ ↘ ↙ ↖ ↗ ●
Remove an Announcement:
Place the cursor in one of the cells in the row to be deleted and right click.
Select Row and then select Delete Rows.
Move an Announcement
Add a new blank Row where the announcement is to be moved to by right clicking the row above or below that location.
Cut and paste the image into the left column’
Cut and paste the announcement text into the right column then delete the original Row. The keyboard shortcut keys must be used to do this.
Note: Cut and paste of a cell or a row does not work in eCatholic.)
Linking Sunday Hymns to the Hymn Announcement
The Hymns are sent in an email from the Choir Director with a link to a One Drive folder that provides links to the hymns for the Entrance, Responsorial, Communion and Exit. If not received by Wednesday night remind him to send it.
Click on the OneDrive link
Download each hymn individually
Scroll to the Hymns Annoucement.on the Homepage
Link each hymn to the proper Hymn that was downloaded.
____________________________________________________________________________________ Guidelines for Clip Art
Clip art and pictures used on the Website are found under Files on the Administrative menu. They are grouped into five folders:
Website Pics - used for announcements on the home page and at the top of each Ministry Page
Home Page ArtMinistry
XArchive contains various miscellaneous photos that are no longer used but kept for possible future use
A picture from a clip art site or from Print Screen or the Snip app can be:
Pasted or uploaded into MS Paint
Pasted into Word and printed to a PDF file.
Format the picture into an approximate square cell and resize it to approximately 125x125 pixels
People pictures should be named First Name, Last Name, Ministry pictures should be the Ministry Name.
When using eCatholic to add a picture to a webpage from the eCathoic Files library it is important to click on Overwrite in the “Overwrite existing file?” (If this is not done, a duplicate copy of the picture will be added to the Files library and the original one will no longer be used which clutters up the library.)
People photos are used in the Contact Us module. They automatically resize to about 100x100 pixels.
Calendar Entries (Upcoming Events on the homepage)
Calendar entries can only be added from the eCatholic Calendar. Select Add Event in the lower left of the page and follow the menus.
Calendar entries that cover multiple consecutive days should only be entered once. This occurs frequently for events on the weekend for Sat and Sun.
Enter the event in the Basic tab. Enter the start date and Time (if appropriate).
Select the Advanced tab and enter the End Date. (Do not enter a Picture, they are hard to delete when no longer needed)
The Event will be entered once showing the date range and will stay on the main page Upcoming Events until after the End date
If the event is specific to a particular ministry, select the Pages tab and add the ministry to the Available list.
Repeating Events that Never End or have an extended end date must be reviewed for conflicts by using the monthly calendar. Page through the months looking for conflicts. Example: if the Repeating Event occurs on a Holiday, it probably should be deleted for that day.
Regular Weekly Masses are not entered in the Calendar since there is a Mass Times & Directions Link Button that appears at the bottom of every page.
Faith Formation Events require at least two entries under the Pages tab: one for the general Faith Formation page and one for the particular Faith Formation page such as Youth Group or Religious Ed, etc. In addition Home Page must also be selected for all entries except the normal weekly meetings for Youth Ministry or Religious Ed.
Annual Events:
Holy Days of Obligation are entered in the website calendar as far in advance as possible. Find the dates of Holy Days at: https://www.calendar-12.com/day_of_obligation/ . Include Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Go to prior year to find Mass and Service times and include this in all the entries.
Religious Education and Youth Ministry weekly meetings are entered at the beginning of the school year. The Religious Ed Director provides this information in a Google calendar. Enter these dates into the calendar for the whole school year.
Adding a new Ministry Page
The Ministry tab has an usual setup to make it easier for a viewer to see the complete list of ministries on one page. The Ministry tab links to the Ministry List (a hidden page) which lists all the ministries. At the left of that page is a table with a list of Ministries by ministry name. At the right is a table with a list of ministries by area. From this page the viewer can select and go to any of the ministries from either side of the page.
To add a new ministry:
Select Site Map at the top of the page.
The Ministries List tab at the top row is greyed out which means it is not available as a Link Tab on any of the website pages. It is handled differently than all the other main tabs.)
Drag and hold the Page button at the bottom to the Ministry List. This list is in sequence by Ministry Name to make it easy for us to find it for editing. So place the new ministry in the proper location. As you move the held page around the Ministry List it will have a green shade to it which determines exactly where it will go when you release the hold.
On the Create Page pop up enter the new ministry name in the Navigation Name field (the rest will auto-fill) and Save
Exit out of the Site Map by selecting Save at the bottom.
Select the Ministry Tab at the top of the page (or if on the home page select the Ministry Link Box) which takes you to the Ministry List page.
Add the new Ministry to the right side table in the proper sequence by adding a new row to that table. Type in the new Ministry Name and format it to look like all the others.
Highlight the name and Link it to the MinistryPage that you created above.
Add the new Ministry to the table at the right in its proper sequence by inserting a new row and copy/past from the new Ministry name you just created on the left. The copy will include the Link. Add the Ministry Leader’s name.
Select Design mode at the top and then click on your new ministry name which will take you to its ministry page you just crated.
Select Edit mode and build the new ministry page (use any other ministry page as a model).