The Holy Redeemer website is updated at least once a week andmonitored frequently to provide up-to-date information for our parishioneers and visitors. The website contains the weekly bulletin which is uploaded by Thursday for the upcoming weekend. The Calendar of Events and the Weekly Announcements are updated as needed and detailed information on each of the ministries with an individual page for each ministry. We encourage you to check out the various ministries. Volunteers are always welcomed for any of these ministries.
Comments or suggestions on the Holy Redeemer Website are welcomed - see Contacts below.
Mass Livestreaming
Livestreaming provides comfort for shut-ins and those physically unable to join us for Mass. Mass is streamed on Saturdays via YouTube. Find us at “Holy Redeemer Aledo”. Please like and subscribe to our channel.
Technical Support
Church Network Administration
Local support for the Holy Redeemer internet, local area network, central file server and MS Office domain administration.
Office Computer Hardware & Software Support
Local support for staff computers to resolve problems and provide upgrades when necessary.
Church Security Camera System Management
Monitoring and support for all church security cameras. Troubleshoot camera problems. Maintain security system video recorders, camera display computers and network.